Friday, April 25, 2014

Winter 2013- 2014

Winter 2013- 2014

Everyone loves a sled ride!

 Fun in the snow!

Sledding, snowmen, snow angels, and eating snow as it falls from the sky!

Warming up indoors

One of the crafts from our Rhyming Week

Making playdoh. Messy but fun!

Transportation Sensory Bin

Olympics Week

The kids learned about the Olympics, including the opening ceremonies and sports events.
Our indoor ice skating event was a favorite!

Playing during the snowstorm! 

Our Valentine's Day Party!
Cookie decorating, games, dancing, and lots of fun!

Trying to take a group photo....!

And the party continues after naptime!

Yummy cupcake!

We love painting! On paper and on ourselves!

                                           Playdoh... a favorite for all ages!

Dance party!

Summer Week:
After a long cold winter, we needed the feeling of summer! We all loved it!
Water table with water, bubbles, and a sensory water table with seaweed & ocean animals.

We tried different household items to make bubble wands, including paper towel tubes and pipe cleaners.

Checking out the bubbles that spilled all over the floor!

The best way to end Summer Week... ICE CREAM!!!!

Science Week:
The kids made volcanoes, blew up a balloon with baking soda and vinegar, and made slime!
Another messy but fun week!

It's amazing how much fun the kids have with the wagon!
How many kids can we squish together? Who's strong enough to pull them?

The kids made a yummy dirt dessert to celebrate the beginning of Spring!

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